Working on August Message.
Until then here's July 2024's Message.
July starts out with fireworks as we celebrate the 4th.
There is no federal holiday that reminds me more of our Christian faith than this one. On the 4th of July, we commemorate the Declaration of Independence which was ratified in 1776. But it was the price that was and would be paid for our nation's independence that reminds me of our faith. For it was the spilled blood of our nation's forefathers that paid the price for our nations's birth; as it is the spilled blood of Jesus Christ on the Cross that pays the price for our birth into eternal Salvation.
You could write a book about such similarities. Below is just one from Luke 23:40-43, the story of the good thief on the cross.
This passage begins with the good thief responding to the mocking thief: (40) "But the other, answering, rebuked him, saying, 'Do you not even fear God, seeing you are under the same condemnation?' (41) "'And we indeed justly, for we receive the due reward of our deeds; but this Man has done nothing wrong.' (42) "Then he said to Jesus, 'Lord, remember me when You come into Your kingdom.' (43) "'and Jesus said to him, 'Assuredly, I say to you, today you will be with Me in Paradise.'"
The thief on his cross did nothing to earn heaven. Those of us today did nothing to earn our original freedoms here. In fact, our rights in this nation are referred to as "God given rights". But unlike here where people's "God given rights" can be lost, that is not the case when you accept the gift of eternal Salvation through Jesus Christ. Jesus willingly paid your price - in full.
At any time you can personally choose Jesus. No one can stop you. You are never too bad to be saved by Him. And no matter what you've done, or how old you are, it's never too late for you to accept His gift and be free. Freedoms in this world come and go- but true Freedom through Christ Jesus is eternal.
So this July stay safe and enjoy celebrating those who spilled their blood so you could live with many freedoms here today.
But don't forget to honor Jesus who spilled His blood to free you for all eternally. God bless.
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