​December's Joe's Corner...


The Question I'm 

most often asked

when in the garden is:

"Why do I need Jesus?"

I then often hear one of the reasons below as to why the person thinks he or she doesn't:

"I'm a good person- better than most."

"I'm a good person- more good actions than bad"

"All roads lead to heaven."

"I believe in a loving God, not a punishing one."

"I'm too bad to get into heaven!"

The reasons sound... reasonable, don't they?

​So why do you need Jesus to get to heaven?

The idea for the Garden began in the Fall of 2005 after a family member died in H. Katrina. The idea grew. The rocks were carved and placed in 2007.

We are not preachers, theologians, scholars or counselors. We love God, read the Bible and garden. 

Our website's name, scripturerocksgarden.org  is a mnemonic device. One scripture on many rocks in a garden . organized.

The garden is not a business nor 501(c)3. We do not accept donations nor have any Church affiliations. We support our mom & pop ministry the same way the Apostles did- we work in our trades.

Why do we do this?  We love Jesus & He loves you.

 Garden Theme 2024    "After the Cross, the Spirit"

​All Scripture Rocks here:

​​​Scripture Rocks Garden​​

​   ​After sixty years of silence, I'm sharing  "Ray of Light" comment based on Paul's text in 2 Corinthians 12:2. 

2. "I knew a man in Christ above fourteen years ago, (whether in the body, I cannot tell; or whether out of the body, I cannot tell: God knoweth;) such an one caught up to the third heaven." KJV

Paul is writing about an experience that had happened to him 14 years previously.

How did it happen? After being stoned "to death" he was considered dead so the crowd left. He then had the above experience, about which he so briefly writes.

Why such brevity? Read the passage to find out. :)

For whom is the passage meant? Perhaps for those of us who've either had such an experience (now called NDEs) or witnessed one. We can gain a valuable lesson from Paul's descriptions - no matter how long ago "it" happened, or our age at such an event.

The lesson? The afterlife is real and it's next. It can happen anytime- even in the twinkling of an eye. Are you ready? Following Paul's example, this is all I'll write on the topic. 

A Warning: Faith is a choice, not a feeling or experience. Don't let experiences, or lack thereof, corrupt genuine faith. Saving faith comes only from Jesus Christ. Choose Jesus!.  



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The seeds for "After the Cross, the Spirit" germinated while laying out the garden. It was a moving one for many of the garden's visitors with whom it was shared. 

When planting I was thinking of the theme strictly from the point-of-view of how it was Jesus' suffering and then death on the Cross which gives us the gift of the Holy Spirit today.  Jesus even calls Him "the Helper" in John 14:26.

After the garden was planted, I learned a friend who's an outstanding woman was very sick.  When tending the garden, I began to ask God pointless "why" questions, such as: why her, God? She's much better than most of us. Then: why all the chaos in the world? After alternating between prayers and fussing for too many days, two verses came to mind, Luke 9:23, 24.  "Then He said to them all; "'If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me. For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will save it.'"    I was corrected.

Have you ever noticed how we often feel closest to God when we're suffering?  That's the presence of the Holy Spirit.  That's Jesus' lesson after the Cross too. After His death and then 40 days teaching His Apostles after the grave, He went home. Eventually, after our time here, so shall we. Meanwhile, just like Him and His believers back then, we will suffer. But never alone.  John 16:7 "'Nevertheless I tell you the truth. It is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I depart, I'll send Him to you.'" 

Remember- you are not alone.  Gardener Lori

View Garden & Creatures next or go directly to "The Rocks" page & discover what's behind the garden's gate by clicking Rocks button. (There's a button after photos, too.)

About the Garden

This Season, Share His Light.

... is the same as November's for a very specific reason. Many folks - even Christians- can suffer from loneliness during this season.  This artwork of Jesus comforting a lost lamb with such tenderness reminds me that He is the one sure cure for loneliness- no matter its cause. I hope it reminds you too. God bless you. Peace, my friend.

Click on  "The Rocks"  button to learn why you need Jesus.

"Your word is a lamp to my feet   And a light to my path." Ps. 119:105

​​​​​​​​​For January 2025 we're remaining in the New Testament with the Book of Acts.  Why? Commentators often call Acts - Luke Volume II - and for good reason. Acts begins where Luke ends. The Book of Luke is a brief history of the life of Jesus Christ; Acts is not only of the early Church's history, but how His followers were to Act. What a great way with which to begin 2025- by His grace, may we also so Act. 

With God's help, the monthly calendar, etc... are being updated. However, these photos remain the same. Forgive me

 I do hope you are enjoying the monthly updates above plus a few other additions. Can you believe 2024 is winding down?

​​To immediately see all the Scripture Rocks, click here:

The Scripture Rocks answer to the most important question of your life~ 

Joe's Corner" info 

​​​A Scripture Rocks Sampling